(SKIP to certain people.)
>>| Dolphins may possess a primitive language, this is debatable.
More as a joke: Maybe they believe the same about you. ;-)
> But, they are not capable of remembering how to avoid the fish nets,
Do they get caught repeatedly?
>A child can tell another child that a stove is hot.
Also if the child did not try himself and does not have a word for
Also if I get out of something and I like games, then maybe I consider
it some weird game not really dangerous since I am still there and not
too much harmed and if I do not get out then maybe I cannot tell
>No. Development of language may be indicative of intelligence.
So if Broca's language center in your brain is damaged and your
language capacities get very limited, then this is indicative of your
> It would be difficult to describe an individual human born without the necessary brain
>anatomy to utilize language in some fashion as intelligent.
And if I could draw well or me and the other were a good telepaths?
>Communication is a valuable ability. But, I did not equate communication with language.
>(...) This form of communication is not considered a language. Languages are vocal or symbolic in some form, and
>allow the transfer of complex ideas.
Compare how much akasha / physics knowledge people good in such can
transfer magically (especially with some sense enhancers) and how much
with language, say within 4h to someone not knowing much about such
stuff. What do you notice?
I'd say for some areas magic communication allows the transfer of data
within hours that with words I might not be able to transfer in a life
Also apart from sense censored Westies most into magic never seemed to
have had the idea to use much words for such areas, and to me that
also seems rather uneffective in many areas.
I do not know how dolphins chat, but what I heard on a tape sounded
ways close to the old magic communication than to the new word
communication. But not like human magic one. Just more related to that
than to words. But that was just my fleeting impression.
>Do we assign the vicious growling of a dog to language? I think not.
Nice you think not for we.
(BTW, there was a cool ad once on T.V. where a child and a dog where
in telepathic communication. Beautiful, and interesting.
Wonder how much CAN be transferred via T.V.
But then again maybe it is not wise to wonder about that too much. ;-)
> Its communication goal is purely instinctive.
THE generalized dog? Actually a lot of humans communication goals seem
rather instinctive to me.
For some reason I have to think of some German joke.
Ein Mann, ein Wort.
Eine Frau, ein Woerterbuch.
>The dance of the honey bee can communicate the location of nectar. But, this is
>not language. This is the communication of a concrete fact, not complex
Ah, so the communication of concrete facts is not language.
> Great apes and humans can communicate complex ideas.
Yes, if I look out of the window there are a lot of the results of it,
And nature pretty much gone, people complaining about more and more
weird health problems and odd weather, and some even claiming that
Earth vibes have altered.