(Maybe skip.)
"Carl Molander" <Carl.Molander at neuro.ki.se> wrote:
> Pain is a personal experience,
I assume you must have a different definition of "personal".
(Let me put it different into some example: Someone called autist at
times does not show pain when doing stuff that would cause many others
pain if they were to do that, and at other times freaks at his head
touched. Doubt that you understand what I mean, and still have a
shroom-THC hang-over from yesterday and am too lazy to even just try
to think that into at least some neuro-irxtlwrrks-attempts for
Frankenstein, Ph.D., to make fun of, but anyway, that is why I do not
>a perception based on a number of factors: nociceptive input, other sensory input, previous experience, state
>of fear, etc. This experience, in the sense it should be used, could hardly
>be perceived by one neurone alone.
So you make a definition that is not necessarily one all would agree
to. And then say that THIS experience, in the sense "it SHOULD be
used" (according to you?) ... s.o. ?
If I remember next time I am drunk and have the feeling that I
terminate cells and it hurts I might ponder what you wrote.