"Donald Tees" <donald at willmack.com> wrote on 31 Jan 1999:
>What makes you think that your basic organisational
>chart bears any resemblance to a mind?
>>SCN User wrote in message ...
>>>>Using any viable language to code the minimal pdaimind:
>>>> /^^^^^^^^^^^\ Mind-grid Arrays{ } in Robot PDAI /^^^^^^^^^^^\
>> /visual memory\ _________ / auditory \
>>| /--------|---------\ / LANG-UK \ | memory |
>>| | recog-|nition | \_________/---|-------------\ |
>>| ___|___ | | flush-vector| | ________ | |
>>| /image \ | ____V_ ____V__ | / \ | |
>>| / percept \ | /psi{ }\------/ uk{ } \----|-/ ear{ } \| |
>>| \ engrams /---|---/concepts\----/ lexicon \---|-\ phonemes / |
>>| \_______/ | \________/ \_________/ | \________/ |
>>>>Checklist of steps in coding or porting the PDAIMIND
>>>>http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/m-forth.html Mind.forth
>> [...]
>>http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/cobol.html Help Wanted
Thank you, Mr/Dr/Prof/ Donald Tees, for this and other bene-notations.
(My shrink father told me long ago that coining neologisms ^^^^^^^^^^
as I have just done, is a sign of mental non-wellbeing, but I needed
a word to refer to ... yes, that's it! Your *intercessions*.)
The simple ASCII diagram above is actually the distillation unto
barest essence of the many years of the "theory phase" of my AI
project http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/ AI for Mobile Robots, which
is now with Mind.forth in the "implementation phase."
Soon, when Mind.forth "quickens" or comes full circle in its loop of
robot functionality [ input... response... reentry... input... ],
I will haunt the comp.robotics.misc newsgroup and encourage those
clever unstoppable tinkerers and robot warriors to try out Mind.forth
on their robot creations -- many of which already run Forth.
Right now I am looking for Amiga Forth programmers who will visit
the Amiga-only Gramma's BBS at Tel. 425-744-1254 near Seattle WA USA
and download the latest native Amiga Mind.forth from the "Files" area
and its subsection "43: Programming" -- where I intend to put more
releases of native Amiga Mind.forth in the future.
Then the proof of the diagram/theory will be in the robots. - ATM