verbal vs. non-verbal memory

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Jan 30 14:14:16 EST 1999

(Repetitions, but maybe DON'T skip.)

That was a bit chaotic. With that with "the playground" and that with
the instruments I meant that that is a sort of
where and what. When turned into sorts of colours then the what is
gone but there is still a where.
When making it fanatsy stuff, there where is still semi-correct but
the what often not at all anymore, and I am not sure if that is just
"the playground", I do not exclude that some other areas than just in
the cingulate gyrus might be going rather active there, not sure. 
When on LSD with someone with some magic perception I manage level
seven for magic brain perception then that one  is within my systems
and I start to perceive energies of the other straight within my head,
but I did not pay attention if that is just within the playground,
suspect that there the brain is on a fairly old setting concerning
front and other areas, but was too busy with tuning stuff and
focussing there to have paid much attention  the few times I got that
one running. I'd call it what and where, as I know that those are
subatomic energies of the other one, and brains are different, so that
if I were to do it with another person then the ranges used would not
all be exactly the same. I also know the direction from where they
"steam in" / "field in" but I could not tell the exact distance there
of the other one to me, as seeing is offline, and at that  point the
brain is on "seeing" and that just for his energies inside my head.
When on level eight sort of tracking them out there is a distinct what
and where concerning energies of the other one and own energy tuning
and extending. Just not object, because I am on "seeing" and not on
seeing". When on level nine docking into the other brain seeing is
onlined, too, again, and "seeing" and seeing run parallel, and then
there object what and where and "seeing" as well, and on that I can
start to get some vague area perception in the other brain, but level
7-9 are difficult and the other brain needs to have quite some range
powers, too, and not be scared of me for doing that, because
headblinds usually in magic brrain perception just get till level
five, the cybermagic base perception level, but not till six and
seven, which are sort of internal autist brain settings, and so most
cannot really understand what I am doing in their brain, which takes
high trust of the other one, as in that stage I could go for his own
areas if I wanted to  and not just for sharaeware, and though I never
tried, I guess for ways too many other areas as well. That is sort
multiple what and where, as I tend to tune to the area roughly in the
other brain, then immediately to the same in mine and wait till they
synch O.K., and that way there is what and where double in both

This is also so when sort sort of turning around with akasha and
seeing out of the others eyes a little, then if both do that, a double
picture of both heads might result.
That is a double where and what.

I mentioned when I lose high power on Old Dragons / LSD as the stuff
goes down and I go tired then even for normal occipital links I need
that the other one is aiming into the back of his own head towards the
occipital cortex, so that I can channel there easier.

That is closest of what I know to your qquestion. But there is no
dorsal or ventral for me there, it just makes subatomic changes, so
that the other brain goes more from the deflecting to the transcending
/ "seeing"  ranges and I can tune the backs of our heads O.K. again
for better magic range connections between our brains.

That is a what and where, too, though I do not perceive the occipital
cortex directly, but I know there are a load of outside channels and
two through-eyes-superpower-channels that are my main pathways there,
and I know the signal ranges to tune for. Especially if I am used to
the other brain already, and my own structures and energy settings
have adapted a little to the others.

The sequencer has another what and where but I do not have access to
its memory stuff, though if I suspect that it knows there is a way I
can order it to seek that and then sort of go rather passively and
then sometimes it finds it (like some location where I have not been
in a long time and was not that online when going there maybe with
others, so that it is not that stored in my own systems). But I guess
that is not to do with your question at all, and was just to point out
that there are so many (and not just those) where and whats, that you
might be simplifying stuff.

Very simplified, if you have a male teenager and a young woman, I'd
figure that even if they were the last on Earth no one within sex
would need to tell him certain where and whats, there are very old
programs for that, and that is also so when seeking food here in a
still semi-natural forest, and for many other areas.

You could be right that that those dorsal and ventral irxtlwrrkses are
to do with sorts of what and where, but if they are just aiming at one
of my areas, then if the sequencer is still getting data I would not
understand why it should not still have what and where, and though I
cannot access data from its memory stuff straight, as I mentioned
there are sport  of sneak around ways to still use part of its data at
times. But then again I guess my relation to it is the autistic way
and in comparison with others I wondered if the sequencer of the
autists is better in thinking and more intelligent, because it has
central navigation control so often so long alone, and is not as
supervised by the own CPU as in some other brains, where it might
therefore not be less good in own thinking.

Not that mine is overly good in it.  Just tried to say in completely
non autist brains who are used to supervise it all the time there
might be differences in its capacities, so maybe of the own CPU or
dataa going there are damaged, it can compensate less.

Any idea what the effects of disturbances in the dorsal or ventral
irxtlwrrkses are with blind people?

And where and what are those irxtlwrrkses?

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