
M.J. Stillman stillman at dendwriteNoSpAm.com
Sat Jan 30 23:20:34 EST 1999

In article <78bpfe$l45$1 at birch.prod.itd.earthlink.net>, 
tswright at earthlink.net says...
> Primarily it reduces dopamine in the brain.
> Tom Wright
> Anthony Turner wrote in message <36A78438.AD241967 at shoalhaven.net.au>...
> >Could any body tell me the action of a Benzisoxasole derivative ...Trade
> >name Risperdal...formula C28H27FN4O2....on  brain chemistry.
> >Thanks
> >Jatchat
> >
To complement Dr. Wright's reply:

Although risperidone's mechanism of action is generally described as 
"not fully understood," there is definite antagonism at dopamine (D2) 
and serotonin (5-HT2) receptor subtypes.  


Michael Stillman 

Michael J. Stillman, Ph.D.            stillman at dendwrite.com
DendWrite Communications
http://www.dendwrite.com (as of 1/1/99)
Framingham, MA  01702

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