Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Jan 30 00:22:37 EST 1999

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:

>"Consciousness"... "if I do x, y happens"... 
>the better one is at predicting such, the better can be one's ability to survive. 
Sounds more like thinking than consciousness  and in thinking more
like mine.

>"Consciousness" is the above predictive capacity,
Not in my definition. But nice of you to define so for the planet.
For me the conscious areas are those who are Is / WHOs.

>automated within our nervous systems. 

>"Fear", "Anger", and all other "affect", are "just" probabilistic
>calculations correlated to this one prediction, which is founded in

Errare humanum est.

Check correlations between hypothalamus, adrenal glands, own areas,
basolateral part of the amygdala, thyroids and other areas to do with
fears, anger and whatever you mean with other "affect".

For the unlikely case you have or develop area access capaacities dock
with the main rankfighting and aggression emotion program generator
(eg.3) and try to zoom in some of the oldest programs branching in and
out from there, and compare age to newer and older functions of your
own systems in the brain.
Also watch correlations between eg.3 and the emotion generator making
the mammal programs. Again check historic origin ages.


(There are many major fundamental errors in your theories.)

>Through our experience of barking our shin against a tree stump while
>walking through the woods, we become "conscious" of the fact that one
>"good" thing to do while walking in the woods is to be on the look-out
>for tree stumps, and other things, that upon collision with, will evoke

Well, apart from that I do not always get informed if the sequencer
bangs into something, the thingie I learned more from it is that it
has has a tendency to ignore stuff not higher than my knee.

Though I do recall it barking my shin against a tree stump  yet.

Also as long as the sequencer is in central navigation control and our
systems are segregated the pain is not much, as my systems are not
docked to receive and the sequencer has a different pain perception.
But I guess outisde what is called autism that might not be that
relevant.  But IMO that is also when some folks wondered why autists
can do stuff that should hurt and them it seems not to hurt, why that
is so.

>In "higher-level" realms of "consciousness", 
Area references?

>(...) the prefontal cortex is an engine which acts to
>bid us to seek out and understand even these unk-unks. 

Must have escaped my attention so far.

What is the correlation between your own I areas and that one?

And how is your's bidding you?

Never heard of such before.

I'd rate the lower and upper frontal cortex as extension banks of me
and the sequencer.

Actually if the front would start to do biddings and own sendings in
the brain and that for serious, that might be the point where I might
wish I could move out of this brain.

Imagine I am at sort of shouting at the sequencer for doing something
that I do not like when driving a car, and suddenly the front would
unk-unk in own biddings as a third or fourth party.

And then us areas in the brain would have a merry go at how is

Next car washing I might have trouble scratching all the corpses off
who accumulated.

>It's through the internal 3-D energy gradients, 

What are you meaning with that exactly?

Referring to physical stuff?

>The neural topology that allows everything to be so easily,
I save the effort  to  comment that from an MBD point of view.
> yet so powerfully, integrated is so innately beautiful that one cannot witness
>it without being moved to tears... 
I am not my amygdala.
>Martin Cann wrote: 
>> I am loathed to get involved, but, Kenneth, dear chap, could you please
>> post something for us to get our teeth into on AoK. 

Sorry, Ken.

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