Movement detection and Isoluminance

Ron Blue rcb5 at MSN.COM
Sun Jan 31 01:24:09 EST 1999

>Movement- and colour detection happens at different and distant parts in
>the brain (ventral stream and dorsal stream respectively). We know that
>movement detectors in the brain are colourblind to a certain extent but
>that the corresponding areas interact with other visual areas (inter
>alia colour detectors) via intercortical connections.
The Ouchi illusion generates subjective motion.  Different sizes of the Ouchi
illusion have caused five students who see colors when listening to music to see
different colors in all three sizes of the illusion.   An electronic enlargement
of the illusion could be a useful tool in your research.   About one in ten will
report color in one of the sizes of the illusion that I used.  The colors
reported are not the same for different individuals.
Ron Blue

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