On the line or over the line?

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fri Jan 29 22:27:01 EST 1999


>> This insistence on a private language no doubt
>> underlies much of his life-long difficulty in getting other people to
>> accept what he writes as meaningful and worth reading.  Probably
>> impedes his understanding of what others write, also...
>> F. LeFever

Where do you get the no doubt, life-long and the probably from?
Might lack IMO...

And with the (head)line I wonder about the or, as there might be on
and over and then do some other thingies and maybe put it elseplace,
especially if not considered naturally necessary, or add a whole load
and find the resulting maze funny.  ;-)

Maybe if another one would like you a lot and understand why you need
some invisible line someplace he might be ways more willing to keep to

... Some people with private language words are often ways more
interesting for me than to other's norm normed mass sheep. 

Maybe also those who are not used to private language might be less
flexible in the uptake of it than people who are used to other people
having different words than oneself would use and communicating in

Also there are those where even if another tries in their language
might make fun about mistakes, so that one notices that it is not the
understanding not possible but the understanding not wanted that is in
the way, and when pondering what might be behind that, 
maybe not being interested in lines the other makes.
Apart maybe in another way.

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