(SKIP to a lot of folks.)
> The nature of my work, being a unified theory of
>nervous system function, cognition, affect and behavior, (...)
Don't forget the plural.
Sticking me and the sequencer and all emotion generators under one
hat? Make sure don't make some Capital Errors.
> It's "just" that, as I've explained repeatedly, all my attempts to communicate my Science
>without calling folks in Neuroscience to task,
To what task?
I am real stoned at the moment as I just had a joint on top of ways to
much in the background, so not much for my judgement, but at the
moment I can just gthink of three people where I believe that if
neuroscience had brains at working they should shark after them like
birds after prey, if they were not into injuring persons of other
mammal races. Two of these three seemed to have zero interest to
share with neuros what they knew.
You are none of those three.
But never mind shy phases, it my good megalomaniac time I would not
mind to call humanity of Eath to my tasks either, lol.
Little reform of the education systems and a load of other stuff.
Other topic, have you ever have had trouble because song with stereo
made your brainhalves run different?
And why if in the ginculate gyrus halves run a while on different
music right and left does the sequencer fubar?
Is the connection between the cingulate halves and the sequecer
anywhere on some system that is common or so close toghether that that
is so or is that to do with something in the cingulate gyrus itself?
> had just been brushed aside.
> So it became clear to me that I had to educate folks in more ways than one.
And do they come to you for your education?
And when they leave you are they content?
You are very far from some I know who know a lot about the brain.
Sorry, but I do not even consider you near where I was before the
concussion, where sometimes I could make the two main emotion
generators run so off and at the same time so connected, and still had
such frontal capacities, that I could enter culture or persons inputs
and watch alterations in some of the thousands of subprograms, and
felt like an energy selector of a gigantic bio computer of many
systems so different in function and historic age of origin, that
there is something odd in me for even wanting to try to unify and
generalize that all.
I guess you lack the utter fascination to watch the resettings and
realize a little how many myriads of program resettings are possible,
and watch the base systems behind myriads of peronality and culture
settings flare in your systems.
I regret I lost so much of that. Some days I would long to go
brainsurfing with an aborigine maybe able to teach me about the
dreamtime, and I hope that some day someone can teach me to go out of
systems, and maybe also send into my brain while I am dreaming and
alter my sytems magically for powers there too.
I miss that I cannot go akasha surfing with others there.
It is like sensing some of the most gigantic power abilities that
humans reached and sort of be outside.
And there is a lot of other stuff that I would like to learn.
I try to say maybe you should learn far more.
>> You also imply you can solve their problems in 5 minutes of idle chatter
>> on problems they have worked on for 5 years or more.
~~~ ;-) ~ ~ ~
> and everything I've written constitutes an advancement of the Science.
Must be a different one than I know.
Take that mere sentence.
And if you understood seriously about the brain, you would not serious
want all of that spread, do you?
Reading Amnesty Ineternational, listening to the news of the last
year, a look around outide the window here and a look into this net
room and some other thingies should be enough to frighten off most
minds who understand a lot about the mind to be too eager to tell much
about that.
Most people I met who really have hell of a knowledge about some brain
stuff are very taciturn about that.
>> 3) You refuse to actually post your theory AoK to the newsgroup for
>> legitimate discussion, even though I doubt it is worthy of one.
If you do post it here, it might take away the suspicion that it is
not worthy.
Since you said you want to discuss you stuff with neuroscience, then
you could just list it in words they use or in the start a few times
with your words list theirs + maybe other stuff, so that they get what
is meant,
and then it could be discussed.
If you just make big words of wanting to communicate your Science
and discuss stuff with neuroscience, but then when asked are not doing
it, it might make people believe that your stuff is so bad, that you
do not dare to do so.
> (I also have a distaste for the self-agrandization that's implicit in web pages.
I do not find it implicit THERE as that might depend on how people do
> Perhaps you doubt the sincerity in my saying this, but take an accounting... my work has
>cost me over $500,000 to do.
That does not mean that it is valuable to anyone but you.
>Beyond the $, its cost me Life, itself.
If I were to list all damages I suspect to have done to myself when in
experimenting phases I'd be busy.
Just to live in this artificial city costs me Life, itself.
So what. Another joint and Coca Cola or Dr Pepper to rinse the tar in
the throat into the stomach, maybe with a chocolate bar to follow it
and hang some hours in front of this old monitor, and when the sun
comes up go to bed. You lack a certain attitude towards life.
>I'm scorned as a "failure" even in my home town.
> I've a great distaste for putting anything before Truth.
Oh, really.
Then I congratulate you for packing your stuff to be on the way to
help The Generalized Children in Iraq you were so concerned about in
all Truth,
and congratulate you for having learned enough language to be of real
help for them after all.
I already thought you did not speak the Truth when I asked you how
many children you have living with you and the answer was none as I
had expected, as someone really caring for children would not have the
time you spend in front of the computer,
so that with the high rate of children without parents,
I thought only a liar would make big words as you about children and
not even care for as many as he can.
It is very nice to hear that you are out for the truth now and will
stand to the truth of your words and do what so far you have just been
babbling about endlessly to people who might have gotten you the first
time or not been interested in what you say, some directly asking you
repeatedly to buzz off.
I would not have minded to have you stay here and go on with hollow
words not followed by deeds, because psychologically I found that
funny as any day more marks how hollow what you say is,
but it is nice that you are out for Truth now, and will finally Do
something to help children in deed.
When you are finished in Iraq, I recommend you Zaire and Mexico City
for starters, and I wish you good luck in helping the children and
being them a good and wise father.
There are few people who after so much babbling actually stand to the
Truth and pack their stuff and be a reliable help for some children
like a good and wise father who do not have one.
Babblers Earth has enough.
(As you notice, grin. ;-)
If you are really out for truth you have a far way to go within