(To certain people: Acid post ahead.)
>F. LeFever
>>>>>>F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
>>>New York Neuropsycholgy Group
>>>- - - - - - -(snip) - - - - - - - - - - -
>... "non-verbal"
....vs. verbal
I might have mentioned that if you keep to facts of your branches
research that usually I find no errors in what you say
but when you theorize I often find no matches in my systems
or even contra data.
Or in other words if I were you I would not bet my arse-
nal of slings and arrows that there are no systems able to do both.
>The long version is VERY long.
I'd still like it.
>I put question marks because "what" and "where" are convenient
>short-hand terms for working classification based on complex data;
Not from my perspective.
> One might want to be more cautious
>... a patient of mine
I commented on that before.
>with prosopagnosia (defect in ventral stream, probably near terminus in hippocampus?) was, after acute stage
>of recovery, quite good in memory for SOME kinds of
>non-representational forms;
> based on intact dorsal stream? or based on
>intact portion of ventral stream? "non-spatial" aspects of visual FORM
Imagine you had an troll with just a little grey magic knowledge in
front of you, and you were to tell what that person could not do
anymore and what he could do, so that the troll gets it.
>Are all aspects of object identity carried in ventral stream? e.g.
>visual texture, color?
I do not know what visual texture is.
I have two big memory systems which both have data to do with objects
(and without maybe, too, not sure usually then am centrally busy to
want them to switch together with me) and the sequencer has, too.
Then there is another sort that I guess you might not mean here, and
that is that if a strawberry is smelled, optical contra-identifying is
not necessarily needed to know what that is. My systems have very
very much inborn data identification of similar sorts.
Also who you do call autists do not look into the eyes of another;
there is a powerful data stream that is to do with the basolateral
amygdala that is requiring very very mych data, and there is a lot of
inborn identifyer data running then, though not exactly in the way
you mean, but with mammal and herd-binding program emotions
Part of emotions can be transferred magically in telepathy, and some
might count them in very wide sense of the word under optical as well,
in which case on the high fast whitish ranges there are a lot of
carrier ranges for such, but then again those are not exactly objects,
but subatomic data streams that do get identified to an extent.
Just wondered what visual texture is and if that'd be still counting
or not.
Colour is of different relevance for the sequencer than for me.
Also within magic with another brain there are ranges that both
brains identify, but the colour conversion is not necessarily the
My brain for example is extremely colourless compared to other brains
that I went akasha surfing with.
One time I had a load of magic blue ranges and I asked the other how
they converted in his systems.
He named blue as the main colour, but also had green and violet in,
which I had not.
Or I once had a whole load colourless that someone made,
but for her they were converted into colours.
If taking a trip and after about 20 minutes focussing on the halo
around a flame in a dark room, in the next 20 minutes "the halo tends
to expand" (though of course not really, but to do with internal
stuff) so that if the colour conversions was
whitish-yellow-orange-red-(infra red - ...[don't know the names]),
then where before was red, then might be yellow and the red further
It is an energy indication.
Even if you were a nice person I wanted to I do not believe that I
could discuss colours with you for serious, because you are not like a
real healer so that one could link brains and swap energy data, but
you are sense censored like Westies, and therefore you colour
knowledge is restricted to that.
That is also so when discussing "where".
I know roughly where "my playground" is.
(Teasing F.F.LF., Ph.D. deterrents...
Impressive is that you confuse me bothering back then with some of
your not-to-me-in-school-taught irxtlwrrkses with wanting to impress
some "my-patient" for days-in-a-row - drugging and brain-frying
advertising headblind sense censored neuroshrinks. Well, always like
most of my old own better anyway, though some brain surfers had pretty
neat ones, that for me were O.K., too.)
And with several other areas I know "where" in another way, and I can
give sort of tuning commands for that and get access.
That is another sort of "where".
I doubt you get this, but once I taught someone on LSD to aim at his
occipital cortex and then transferred data into his brain how to do an
occipital link-through from his side. Then I could still aim at his
occipital cortex without him aiming there, but then when the LSD went
down and I also got tired, he had to do it as well, as I could no
longer hold the telepathic connection for both brains.
It took him a while to get that, as that is level three magic
perception, but he menanaged eventually, though he did not learn to
notice himself when the link went down and there was not enough range
transfer anymore between the two and the brains went to far out of
synch, so that I had to keep reminding him in between.
There the where is also not a direct where. It is both.
It is a what for the ranges and a where that I know that I need to
make magic connections outside to the sides of his occipital cortex
and via his eyes and then sort of match the two, and that that usually
is quite effective in geting access on higher loads, and that when I
do not manage anymore as the stuff goes down, he needs to aim there
for me, so I get better connections there.
There are many whats and wheres, might depend on definition, too.
Also going for verbal stuff.
If the langauge structurer is off-line, I can still talk.
Just adios to grammar the contents of several sentences might come out
in a wild mix of simple nouns and verbs rather structureless chained
I know cause someone once asked me somehing and I got him to
understand that I was on some weird drug and that he needs to wait for
me to online the langauge structurer to answer his question, and then
he insisted I try before without, and the garbled mess that left him
with a puzzled face took me hell of a power to do myself, as I am not
used to speak myself but to have the langauage structurer do such
stuff for me.
And sort of that 's just output. Input for me gets more difficult.
>Is it just a matter of recognition of objects
>in multiple spatial orientations as opposed to a specific orientation?
(Apart from dawn coming up and altering in systems I just smoked a
joint and there still seems to be quite a load of other stuff
triggering in the background. Apart from that the soup keeps boiling
over and stuff getting stuck to the ground and turning black...
Nastiness of thingies or as a German saying goes
die Tuecke des Objecs = the cunning of the object...
In other words I am to lazy to maintain much of certain styles and
might prefer mine, and if you were better in German I'd go to my
language. IMO yours sucks, as it is rather limiting to me and also I
cannot make fun of you appropriately, ;-)
(And now an old tripie is following... :-)
(And if you go eg.3ing a way I do not like or suck in any other form
I do not like at all (serious criticsm or correcting welcome) to/on
this RE Frank, or make daft remarks on spelling or terms I (do not)
use, apart from answering far less of your questions I might pick
something else I terminate knowledge about like back then with loads
of memory systems data, and have another bizarre humour in watching
you haunt after stuff that I once had and destroyed forever. Feel free
to mistake that as a complete joke.)
>Is it just a matter of recognition
>of objects
Is the cingulate gyrus an object?
If another docks into my brain and sight is off, then this is not an
object in my head. But I know that he is in my head.
If I am linked to the other and he off-lines optics, so my "main
optics" "blank out", then seeing the other is gone, but "seeing" the
other is still there.
Meaning I do not perceive his atomic mass on deflecting ranges much,
but loads of subatomic energies in my systems, with direction
indications, though not good distance indications, though I guess I'd
know if he were to move back a lot or closer a lot.
Magically objects are certain sorts of akasha for me, but depending on
tuning ranges there are loads of other ranges, too, so that object
akasha is just part.
We tend to say THC gives more atomic perception and LSD more
subatomic perception.