The mind will now think the verb

Dirk Heise dheise at metronet.de
Sat Jan 30 17:41:00 EST 1999

I recommend you insert these as steps 1 and 2 into
your mindmaking checklist:
- get an editor that's not bound to 1K FORTH screens
- indent code like all the others do
  (YES! this is possible even in FORTH!)

Back in 1984 when i started making minds with FORTH,
these were the first two things i did...


Arthur T. Murray <uj797 at victoria.tc.ca> schrieb im Beitrag <36b352c9.0 at news.victoria.tc.ca>...
> http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/m-forth3.html Mind.forth
> AI for Robots has not yet "quickened" or completed its loop of user
> input followed by robot response and reentry of the result of think-
> ing back into the robot brain-mind but here is a typical subroutine:
> Screen # 38    ram:mind22
>  --------------------------------
>  0  \  Predicate Scr #38.                                 990129atm
>  1  :  PREDICATE   8 opt !  \  Flag to look for "opt=8" verbs
>  2  \  KBDS will find the most active mindcore "opt" concept:

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