Dyslexic Artist Astounds Theoreticians

JTyburczy jtyburczy at aol.com
Fri Jan 29 15:10:33 EST 1999

n a message dated 1/29/99 8:29:17 AM, wej3715 at fox.tamu.edu wrote:

<<Dyslexic Maine recluse artist shouldn't post advertisements for his web page
on places where they are off topic and not welcome such as
bionet.neuroscience or alt.folklore.urban (and who knows how many others).

Eric Johnson>>

Greetings Eric,

While you may not care for such information, there are 
apparently others who do. The site - which is utterly 
non-commercial and generates no revenues whatsoever -
has experienced an enormous number of visits in the past
day since the informational posting.

Some individuals visiting the site have reported genuine 
personal growth and positive life experience from their
viewing of these images created by a quiet, giving person 
who asks nothing in return. Would you deprive them of 
their joy?

At any rate, I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused 
you. There will be no further postings in these areas. 

I hope this satisfies your needs.

JTyburczy at aol.com

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