Dyslexic Artist Astounds Theoreticians

JTyburczy jtyburczy at aol.com
Fri Jan 29 16:15:56 EST 1999

wej3715 at scully.tamu.edu (Eric Johnson) writes:

<<For your information, it is improper to post private e-mail on newsgroups
or in other public places without the permission of the author of that
e-mail.  You did not have my permission to do so in this case.  Do not do
this ever again.  Do you understand?
Eric Johnson >>

I'm not sure. What do you mean by the part that comes after
"For your information,"?

wej3715 at scully.tamu.edu (Eric Johnson) further writes:

<<...You even posted twice to some newsgroups.  What's the
matter?  Has your mind stopped functioning completely?
You should be ashamed of yourself. >>

Dear Eric,
I am. Deeply ashamed. And I look to newsgroup tyrants like you 
for salvation. What was I thinking? Can you ever forgive me my 
tresspass? Perhaps I can mail you some St. John's Wort to
alleviate your pain.

Repentantly yours,

JTyburczy at aol.com

PS: It's true...My mind has stopped functioning...completely.

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