Neurobiology applied to vision ?

Arthur T. Murray uj797 at victoria.tc.ca
Thu Jan 28 22:46:54 EST 1999

http://www.faklen.dk/en/the_torch/eye.shtml The World Is In The Eye,

by Kristian Beedholm, is an excellent link stemming from


  /^^^^^^^^^^^\ Mind-grid Arrays{ } in Robot PDAI /^^^^^^^^^^^\
 /visual memory\                   _________     /  auditory   \
|      /--------|---------\       / LANG-UK \   |   memory      |
|      |  recog-|nition   |       \_________/---|-------------\ |
|   ___|___     |         | flush-vector|       |   ________  | |
|  /image  \    |     ____V_        ____V__     |  /        \ | |
| / percept \   |    /psi{ }\------/ uk{ } \----|-/ ear{ }   \| |
| \ engrams /---|---/concepts\----/ lexicon \---|-\ phonemes /  |
|  \_______/    |   \________/    \_________/   |  \________/   |

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