Unique Neuroscience Post-Doctoral Position

justus who at cares.com
Wed Jan 27 23:37:11 EST 1999

>So because human mammals abuse substances you are imprisoning and
>abusing mouse mammals.

I guess he/she probably does use these organisms. They're quite a good
model you see. What do yuo mean with "abusing" here anyway. I thought
he'd probably treat them as according to animal commitee care of
his/her university. I hope you do not suspect minimized suffering
without any efficiency I hope?

I hope we'll both agree that suffering should be minimized, and ther
are many good ways of doing that, while doing research.

We might disagree on the nessecity of that research.

>Maybe because a mouse mammal is similar enough to a human mammal
>for data gained by abuse of the other person of the other race to be
>of relevance?

What do you mean?


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