The Prion Hypothesis

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Jan 26 22:00:51 EST 1999

>How does it do it? 
Maybe the akasha is similar enough. But that might be nonse.

>... A sheep gets scrapie.  You collect the prions from the sheeps
>brain, and analyse it.  It contains sheep PrP of the altered form.  Put it
>into a mouse.  The mouse gets scrapie.  Extract the prions and analyse them.
>They are made up of MOUSE PrP.  Scary.

I find it more scary that there are humans imprisoning and abusing
persons of other mammal races. Athough there is so much the same in

>Example.  Put sheep PrP into a mouse.  It gets scrapie.
>Put cow PrP into a mouse.  It gets BSE.
>Put cow PrP into a sheep, then put the sheep PrP into a mouse.  It gets BSE.
>... The human new variant of CJD looked exactly like BSE in mice.  Same
>disease process, same bits of the brain affected, same timescale.  

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