Norway's blubber mountain

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Jan 27 00:23:49 EST 1999

>So does a two and a half second belch sampled at 1.5MHz.

>I think the general conclusion is that its the surface area of the brain
>rather than the volume which is an indicator of intelligence.  This is
>because the neural network which is responsible for conscious thought,
>perception and memory etc. is found around in the cortex of the brain: 
Which cortex? Proof?

Sorry for not being polite, but to me what you are saying is sounding
like undifferentiated b.s. and it is certainly not the general

I have not met one single brain surfer who assumed that just some
single neural network was responsible for conscious thought and
undifferentiated memory and undifferentiated perception.

Sounds more like some theory of a sense censored headblind who eats
other mammals or abuses them in other forms and therefore does not
want to have main I areas within the limbic system.

> at least one definition does refer to the organisms ability to use complex
>tools and things like fire (bad luck, Mr. Whale).

> to put across the point that "intelligence" as defined by the
>science books should not be thought of as a way of saying whether one
>species (or individual) is better or worse than any other.

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