Anorexia, Bone Growth, and Low DHEA (Harvard Med)

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Jan 27 00:24:26 EST 1999

Sorry for having insulted you. But to me at  that moment I just could
not understand why someone would try to mess up people's systems the
way you did, and thought that if you go on messing around in areas you
do not understand like that you risk causing long-timers or death,
murdering young women.

Anorexia is not some little fun game thingie to restart the period
although it should be stopped and has been stopped, and cause
according emotional other changes that are dangerous and that might
also see to death eventually if continuing artificial interruption of
natural programs.

There have been too many from psychiatry murdering people whom they
termed to have anorexia.

Maybe you could learn from that instead of playing utterly dangerous

If I had control over that and I read that three months thingie and
that instead of proper cure ways you mess around in people's systems
that are already taxed and play with one of the most dangerous
conditions like some child who found some toy, I'd give  you the
choice to take your healers licence (or whatever they call that in
your place) or that you spend two days with the corpse of some woman
who starved herself to death (with the closest person's assent)
so that you somehow get into your head that this is not an area for
fools to go experimenting  and what might be the price if you continue
to do so.

You are very obviously not understanding what you are doing there,
and I warn you again, that if you interfere without understanding
enough you might cause "long timers, relapsers" or/and 

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