In article <917443010.862033 at>,
Brian Sandle <bsandle at> wrote:
> In talk.politics.drugs Cijadrachon <cijadra at> wrote:
> : I am not sure if the topic is Maori and suicide or undifferentiated
> : schizophrenia.
>> Hi, you are probably talking way above some minds, I see there are no
> replies to your article. Or may be they are all just accepting it.
Or just tired of your addled logic.
>> Thanks for expressing it. I feel it gives a hint that cannabis is hard
> serious work. It must be a risk to be alone from helpful minds in use of it.
> [...]
Based on..... what? Your religious beliefs?
Look, I agree, its probably good to have a 'helpful mind' in the form of an
experienced marijuana smoker when one is first introduced to the use of
marijuana. This is much akin to what some Dads do when their kids turn 21,
they take 'em down to the local bar and buy them a few pints, and drink with
>> : (I believe that this might not be what you meant with the question,
> : but it is my opinion about the headline.)
Its a bit different than the baseless puffery you've been engaging in
earlier (i.e., the above vague claim, due to its vagueness, is much less
>> Your approach is to dealing with an existing use situation.
As opposed to what? Dealing with a situation that DOESN'T exist?
>> Some of the people who read this group like to collect my analogies. Here
> is one.
<snip crazy analogy>
>> I wonder what the neural networks approach to the spread of of a mind
> changing drug through a culture is?
Keep wondering. Their mathematical metaphors are probably far more
satisfying then your odd computer/wildlife/wacky "New Age" metaphors.
>> Dodo Dolphin
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