Unique Neuroscience Post-Doctoral Position

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Jan 26 22:00:41 EST 1999

>... mouse models 
>for examining issues related to
>chronic alcohol and drug abuse (drug seeking behavior,
>self-administration, withdrawal).  We apply the latest molecular (RNAase
>Protection Assays, Western Blot Analysis), electrophysiological
>(single-cell recording, in vivo recording via implanted electrodes) and
>behavioral methodologies (self-administration, drug discrimination,
>seizure activity, Morris water maze, elevated plus maze, etc.) in
>attempt to understand how alteration in neurotransmitter systems
>(glutaminergic, GABAergic, dopaminergic, cholinergic, etc.) ultimately
>affects behavior.  Our ultimate goal is to use these approaches to
>develop new effective pharmacotherapies for the treatment of substance

So because human mammals abuse substances you are imprisoning and
abusing mouse mammals.
Maybe because a mouse mammal is similar enough to a human mammal
for data gained by abuse of the other person of the other race to be
of relevance?

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