Neurotransmitter Release ?

justus who at cares.com
Wed Jan 27 10:34:14 EST 1999

Data can especially be found in peptidergic corelease (and their
non-lineair post-synaptic effects): (cooper bloom & roth, "biochemical
basis of neuropharmcolcogy, 7th ed):

(page 420)

...peptide messengers, greta enrichment of signalling possibilities
becomes attainable through the interplay between frequency dependent
and difusion dependent release and response sites.

See tehre also: neuropeptides are dynamically regulated....

pp417 etc.

One well knwon is the synergy between CRH and aVP on ACTH in the

(jnot just "online neurscientist, I'm grad stuident Neuroscience
program, if you wrere refering to anyone particluar lkike me  :  ) 

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