>4. As I understand it, many synapses in the brain are thought to
>contain only a single release site, meaning that they can only release
>at most one vesicle per action potential. A synapse of this sort
>would presumably not be able to release more than one kind of
>neurotransmitter during a single action potential.
Thanx for the Dale's principle: didn't know this for fact.
Anyhow, eben w/o neuronal stimulation there's basal vesicular release,
some of the contents of which actually does seem to each the
postsynaptic receptors.
During excitation of a neuron, (per a.p.) many many vesicles are
released (also refered to as "quanta").
>I expect that I've gotten at least a couple of things wrong here, and
>would be interested in seeing corrections.
there one was....
>> By the way, is it possible for a neuron to distinguish a pain signal?
>> (does they release a special neurotransmitter ?)
a non-pain afferent? (non pain sensory neuron)?
Nope, individual (inter-)neurons are not supposed to code for pain per
se. That doesn't mwan they won't respond to cytoskeletal modulation
(or piercing of its membrane....I hear 'em die all the time in my