Neurotransmitter Release ?

Robert M. Mihalek mihalek at FORMULA1.smtp.anes.upmc.edu
Wed Jan 27 17:16:25 EST 1999

In article <36ADF792.64C8EC44 at idi.ntnu.no>
Gerthory Toussaint <toussain at idi.ntnu.no> writes:

> Hello All,
>     I would like to ask you a question about the release of
> neurotransmitter. Does it possible for a neuron to release several
> different type a neurotransmitter a the same time ? I read that neurons
> have several transmitter. Can someone tell me if this mechanism is based on
> the frequency of the input signal/the area of the brain which is excited or
> both ?

There was a report in one of the "big" journals (Science, I think) a
few months back describing the co-release of glycine and GABA
(gamma-amino butyric acid) from the same pre-synaptic nerve terminal.
Do a PubMed search at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov and enter in "glycine AND GABA"
for your search terms and you'll pull it out.

Bob Mihalek=================================================
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