verbal vs. non-verbal memory

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Jan 26 19:03:13 EST 1999

(To certain people: Skip apart from last sentence.)

>>But you better ask someone else for that, F.Frank LeFever, Ph.D. 
>>might have some theories about memory systems.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

>Generally speaking, "visual" 
Apart from that I know that there is seeing and "seeing", why do you
use "  "?
>information takes many parallel paths from primary visual cortex to other brain areas, and the different paths are
>encoding different aspects of visual input. 
Wouldn't mind the long version on that, either.
>Many years ago, Mortimer Mishkin and colleagues began to indentify a "dorsal stream", which
>carried (primarily? only?) information about the location of visual
>objects in space, and a "ventral stream" which carried (primarily?
>only?) information about object identity: hence "where" and "what"
>visual information. 
Question marked theories?

Talking about which (or should I say "what"s?), if a company  with red
cans and white writing is imitating Coca Cola  or if playing the cloud
game of making them into sheep or mountains and pulling wrong
"identifier cards",  where in the brain is that?
I know nearly nothing about the temporal cortex. Is there anything in
there to do with such?

> They were exploring memory systems and were
>particularly interested in tracing these two streams to the
How does data go from the occipital cortex to me?

>Maybe I should be more explicit: in dorsal and ventral areas of
>so-called "association cortex" in (occipito-)parietal lobe.
I do not know dorsal and ventral.
If I put one hand sideways (thumbs downwards) outside over  the
occipital cortex and the other over the parietal one 
then how deep inside from there?

>... abstract in J.
Is J. journal or what does it mean?
> of the International Neuropsychological Society

>... for those interested in fMRI of cognitive function, check out www.nyas.org
(Currently can't access the internet.)

"Too lazy to cognito, ergo sum" ... but it can't mean thinking because
the Westie branches never got that the sequencer and oneself can
Been wondering for a while what cognitive means?

>F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
>New York Neuropsycholgy Group

How high are chances that there are new folks who did not get that
yet, and need to immediately get it, for else they might not feel as

... I guess apart from some stuff within magic and that stage I
mentioned towards the person who said that he can't recall past stuff,
I do not find according where-what matches at first vague try, but
then again inside me I don't know much about the occipital and
parietal cortex or stuff in the back half of the head in general 
and sequencer areas.

Not expressed correctly, but with you that does not matter for me
(charming as always ;-), and the long version might be to many hours
of babbling:

"The CPUs" of me and the sequencer both "have" "where and what",
but in different ways.

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