Neurotransmitter Release ?

Gerthory Toussaint toussain at idi.ntnu.no
Tue Jan 26 12:12:50 EST 1999

Hello All,

    I would like to ask you a question about the release of
neurotransmitter. Does it possible for a neuron to release several
different type a neurotransmitter a the same time ? I read that neurons
have several transmitter. Can someone tell me if this mechanism is based on
the frequency of the input signal/the area of the brain which is excited or
both ?

    By the way, is it possible for a neuron to distinguish a pain signal ?
(does they release a special neurotransmitter ?)

Thank you very much for any answer which can help me.
|  Toussaint Gerthory        | Phone : (+47) 73 59 44 6       |
|  IDI/Gl>shaugen            | Office: G232A                  |
|  7034 Trondheim, Norway    | mail  : toussain at idi.ntnu.no   |
| " For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only  |
|  Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but     |
|  have eternal life." (John 3:16)                            |

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