Memory Disorder

Jabriol jabriol at cris.com
Mon Jan 25 20:44:04 EST 1999

 > Hi,
 > I'm 34 with a memory disorder but the psychologists, and psychiatrists
 > don't know whats causing it.
 > I've had an EEG and CT.. both are normal, so I'm hoping its some sort
 > of neuro-transmitter imbalance etc, since it doesn't look like a
 > structural problem...?
 > I've seen somewhere that memory problems can be due to;
 > Lack of acetylcholine,serotonin,melatonin,or dopamine
 > Addison's disease,Lyme disease,Adrenal
 > insuffiency,hypopituifarism?,hypothyroidism,under or over active
 > parathyroid,hypoglycaemia,normal pressure hydrocephalus....phew!!
 > Someone said a Catecholamine fractional test may be more revealing...
 > (whatever that is?)
 > I've has the problem all my life, haven't had a head injury or ever
 > taken drugs.
 > Would it be useful to have a blood test to see if I have any of the
 > above, or as I'm in good health does this preclude them?
 > Any ideas etc , would be very welcomed.
 > Thanks
 > Liam

well Liam,

face it .. you are nuts, kaput, crazy, insane..

good part about it, you can go postal on someone and dont have to do jail

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