>This is about where you should have started your post. I don't know which
>philosophers you mean, but I don't think of my soul as a ghost but rather
>as a psychic faculty, like my mind and other faculties. Soul is about
>your quality rather. Would you prefer to have a girlfriend with no
>emotions and whom was as cold as ice? Well, guess what? That's how she
>doesn't want you either!
>>...skipped, sorry...
>>Even if you did build yourself a brain, what would you do with it? Put it
>in a robot and teach it to be like you? If this brain was any good, it
>would look at us and jump into the nearest junk yard.
Well, looks like you perfectly know what soul is. Honestly I couldn't
understand from the discussion. So you say that human consists of some
matter PLUS the soul. And you say if we could even put a human together
perfectly (to the last molecule) it won't work, because we cannot give him
soul. I wish to make clear that I don't accept such things nor God nor other
unprovable interesting ideas, because the next step is to BELIEVE and pay
money to build churches and give everything we have and let the priests
control us and so on... (too dramatic, but history points out this happens
sometimes). You can't accept that there is nothing after life but the
NOTHING. There is NOBODY who controls us and takes responsibility for every
move we take here, in our world. There is NOTHING predefined, and we are all
some matter, NOTHING else...
I think a machine brain CAN be built. With the tools of philosophy, physics,
mathematics, biology, chemistry - the tools of science. It will think,
decide and do whatever our brain does. Maybe more. And it will be so similar
to our brain that we can implant it to a human body and WALAA!... You cannot
tell it is a robot. And you will say it has soul. And this is the point what
I wanted to say, we didn't give him soul and it has soul... how can it be? I
tell you. There is no soul. I have no soul, you have no soul, there is no
soul anywhere in the world. The soul is only the result of the human fear:
we don't want to be similar to another human being, we don't want to accept
that we aren't unique, we are replaceable. This is my opinion. And I
apologise if I offend you, I didn't want to address it directly to you, but
all the people out there who believe the 'soul' thing.
What would we do with a brain that thinks? Hmmm... I think not
androids/cyborgs. Maybe computers? Which forecast weather? Or the field of
space-exploration: in the far distance who will tell the space-probe what to
do? The probe will decide. More efficiently than a human. Maybe we can build
navigation systems into the cars: what way to choose? There will be the
military application of course. Many-many useful applications there are. And
the progress cannot be stopped, science discovers and develops newer and
newer things. And when discovers something, when explains something what was
only explained by the priests before, the Church is not pleased. It is
natural. Just think of it.