>... but might learn some humility
I find you nearly better suited than myself to lecture on that
to someone who is further in that then the two of us and some others
in here combined.
>Also: it may astonish the newcomer to learn tht some neuroscientists
>(indeed MANY) study neuroscience in a variety of animals with no
>immediate reference to humans whatsoever--
I met enough humans of bad morals to not find that surprising nor the
generalizing from a gorilla to an octopus as animals and themselves
ever so different.
>Please, Mr. PhD,
>.... continue functioning during his pitiful, miserable existence.
>>> I think it is clear who belongs in a different newsgroup...
>Ah, pride strikes again! Excuse me for not being able to have 1 or 2
>job/graduate designations under my name as you seem to enjoy making
>reference to. I think I do not need to make an exit; rather, someone
>needs to dismount from their high horse.
Was'n Niveau... 8-(