The Prion Hypothesis

Terry Smith terrys at gastro.apana.org.au
Tue Jan 26 13:05:08 EST 1999

RL> From: Ralph Leonhardt <leo at neuroinformatik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de>
RL> Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 12:45:41 +0100

RL> On 20 Jan 1999, Sturla Molden wrote:

> In my opinion the prion theory is in violation of the 2nd law of
> thermodynamics. According to the theory, prions grows like
> salt crystals.

> Where did you get that from? As far as I know the prion proteins are

Usually, such distortion and misrepresention of the LOT stems from
education or subscription to `Creationist' ways of thinking. It's one of
the straws believers grasp at to explain why gut-feeling, fervent hope and
(sometimes) voices in one's head lead to Truth[tm], whereas critical
reasoning, examination and testing of ideas leads to delusions caused by
the anti sky-pixie, `Satan'.

I'd say more, but I am about to hop in my car and move like a bicycle.

| Australia - Howard's '50s Theme Park. #

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