Acid Pope II to Yourney(wo)men into The Temple Of The Mind

Erwin Hessle erwin at NOSPAM.cwcom.net
Mon Jan 25 14:11:18 EST 1999

Cijadrachon wrote in message <36ab5d87.5769761 at news.zedat.fu-berlin.de>...
>This is (a slang German) part of a series, please do not interrupt
>this series by hitting Re.
>(If you feel you must answer pick a different headline, and maybe send
>to fido.ger.grenzwis, since I am not checking in all rooms this goes
>Previous interruption made me decide to focus this series to German
>readers in grenzwis. If interruptions will be repeated too often where
>I am sure that alt.magic, alt.consciousness or bionet.neuroscience are
>the source I will probably contemplate to take them from the sending

Great! Begone with you then.

Erwin Hessle, 8=3

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