The Real reason

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Jan 24 13:02:55 EST 1999


>re "long version"--sarcastic? 

(You surely would not distrust me, would you? ;-)

No, actually not. And I would not mind a long version on the nucleus
accumbens either.    Only you'd be wasting  your time since I forget
fast and you'd not have anything back from it on certain other levels.

>Could perhaps refer you to articles with more details.
Hm, might have to wait until I figured out how to get my stuff working
again for internet access in some century or millenium to come...
though I hope I'll still get myself to do it this year.

Out of topic, but I find it funny to be able to say:"...next millenium
I plan to..."  or later to say to the young generation: "Well, in the
millenium where I was born...."

Talking about funny and sarcasm:

>F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
>New York Neuropsychology Group

If you had not signed I might not have known who it was. 

Especially the F in the start is important.  FFLF, 

And it is good, Ph.D., that you mention the neuroshrink gang yonder
the ocean each time, that's real important. Else I might have
forgotten and assumed that we are in Germany where my sarcasm is far
less hindered by narrow vocabulary knowledge like in English and where
I spy so many more enticing, charming options concerning some of our
exchanges than in this foreign language. 

(Still have drugs in the background but not sure if what an according
RE'd be is making sense: No, don't know if  there is an error in what
you wrote, didn't get all the irxtlwrrkses nor'd have counted myself
front sub pereiver back then. Just in case that that's why out of
pattern you REd and asked.)

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