(To certain people: Skip starting loads and maybe end or all.)
>>require Total body coordination ( as dancing)
Would not have called that total.
> An obvious distinction to be made: stage of development of a
> skilled activity. When overlearned to the point of automaticity,
> attention can be given to other activities concurrently.
(Me & sequencer ---> Sequencer without me.)
>>The human brain is only 10% functional, at best.
(Is the rest dead cells?)
> when he may have become a spiritist...
(As some people(s) might find important for healers,
though some others might lack the range capacity, as they might not
even have the capacity to control their different energies far
enough to scan far enough on the other ranges to perceive a spirit
and if it were with them in the room ... unless maybe they were
scanning around with a machine that could translate them the
energies to different ranges, like for example within the ranges
of certain shephards' sheep... ;-)
>(MAY have; not familiar with it)
(That would be too long to comment.)
>hydrocephalics. This illness causes
>>all but the 1/6th inch layer of brain tissue
(Guessing how much an inch might be, somehow does not give me a clue
in which location in the brain what was left...)
>>to be dissolved by acidic spinal fluid.
> He tested the IQ's of patients before
>>and during the disease. His findings showed
>>that IQ remained constant up to death.
I.Q. for me for some reasons is connected with headblind sense
censored ones to quite an extent.
...Apart from that with a lot of people I do not care that much what
someone might rate them for an I.Q., or in other words someone once
told me about professor worriedly shouting for his wife as some kettle
was whistling and he did not seem to know how to handle such a
frighteningly difficult thingie.
In German such is also called "Fachidiot".
(Fach = subject, here referring to being specialized in one or a few
In my brain if my areas were damaged too much I guess I'd have about
the brilliance of somone with Alzheimer left, and if the front
computer were too damaged and too off-line of my systems you could ask
me 8+5 and I'd not know.... if I can still get what you are asking,
and that'd not just need hearing sounds, and if the "transformers"
were too damaged, that might not even get through to my understanding.
> Although over 90% of brain tissue was
>>destroyed by the disease, it had no
>>impact on what we consider to be normal intelligence.
The norm of whom? (Grin...)
> proved that the 1/3 bulk of frontal lobes
>>are mostly dormant.
If so I wonder whose he measured there... ;-)
> He did this byperforming ablation (surgical removal)
>>experiments on persons. He gave physiological and psychological tests
>>cut out parts and
>>whole frontal lboes, the re-tested after.
Why psychological?
...In case that that are external banks I and the sequencer use that
you are referring to there, then parallel (and long-time) tracking
capacities would be the first coming to mind to test.
Parallel stuff
paralled... ;-)
>experiment. (... Nazis!)
(What's the difference between a mammal abusing a mammal
and a mammal abusing a mammal ?)
>The frontal lobes are mostly dormant, asleep.
What if they are not and activities depend also on people(s)?
(BTW, when the "front computer" is damaged, say in an accident like
going headfirst into a tree, then it might be more dificult for the
limbic own I to check incoming data for validity.
Also BTW, when it is (trained to) working well,
but eg.3 (for example hatching loads of rank-fighting and aggression)
balances of someone are not where a wise man might have them, then he
might use "front computer" capacities to eg.3-supply by using
mentioned capacities when the own self in link with other areas is
working for example on selectively non-considerate arguments against
another. ... )
(To someone to whom the concept of inner and outer balance as example
to certain others
suspiciously might seem too unfrontish to be contemplated
by the patient caterorizing:
... And selectively ignoring and censoring data.
For example about joining two subjects
and being very specialized in one
but inside too far from the other,
many years Westie - wise and maybe never or decades from some more
advanced in certain areas.
And maybe rather continuing a certain way and if it involves
advertising damaging the brains of people seeking help,
than taking a decision there.
As possibly also the front might enhance capacities when oneself is
contemplating plausible resons why to ignore what might be
uncomfortable to contemplate very long if what the other said could