
paul gallegos pgallegos at EPO.NL
Mon Jan 25 11:44:25 EST 1999

Further to Laurence Marks letter of 7 September concerning
information on the Alpha Learning Institute in Switzerland, I can
give you my bad and expensive experiences with this organisation,
and I can concur with Frank LeFever's  findings.

In April 1998 we had our severly brain injured son assessed by Sean
Adam using his Lotus and EEG/biofeedback equipment. After this
assessment we were clearly told by Sean Adam that our son was a
'wake-up' case and if we attended one of his courses and bought his
equipment, then it would only be a matter of time before he would
get better. He supposedly 'proved' this to us by showing how his
EEGs changed when he he stimulated him with flashing lights and
sound. We had to pay £600 for this assessment.

We fell under Sean Adam's spell too quickly without taking the time
to do proper research, and proceeded to lay out a total of nearly
£10,000 in buying the equipment and attending a course in rented
rooms at the World Trade Centre at Lugano. The course was designed
for increasing reading speeds and note-taking, and  had very little
to do with brain-injury. When we left Lugano we had no clear
instructions as to what form of stimulation we should be using, and
any request for follow-up generally required at least three letters
before we received a response. Eventually we were told that that
under normal circumstances Sean Adam's time for follow-up should
have been billed at £200 an hour.

After some months, as we were then not getting the results that we
had been led to believe we would get from using the Lotus equipment
, we started an in-depth research of Sean Adam's claims by
contacting other parents and medical professionals. Sadly we found
that more and more of the information that he had given us was
without a solid base, and that his medical knowledge leaved much to
be desired.We can find no trace of Sean Adam having any medical
qualifications, or being affiliated to medical institutes. It has
also become apparent that the flashing lights can increase epileptic
activity in the case of severe brain injury. We have now stopped
using this equipment.

We would strongly advise parents with brain injured children to
carefully consider before investing in large sums of money with the
Alpha Learning Institute as we did.

>Laurence Marks wrote

>My sister in law is considering taking her brain injured young son
>nephew) to the Alpha Learning Institute (WWW.ALPHALEARNING.COM) in
>Switzerland for some kind of Brainwave treatment that I know

>The organisation is run by a man called Sean Adam.

>The claims made by the Alpha Learning Institute for their treatment

>seem (to me) extraordinary. My nephew is severely disabled due to a

>loss of supply of oxygen to his brain at birth. Can it really be
>possible that this "Brainwave" treatment can help.

>Don't get me wrong, I'm not casting any aspersions on this
>organisation- just looking for son independent verification that
>may help.

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