Malcolm McMahon wrote in message <36ae402a.24776446 at>...
>On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 08:53:57 -0500, "Ray Scanlon" <rscanlon at>
>>>>>First, why soul at all? Because people insist that there is something
>>the brain. I bow to the vast majority but I do say it is better to use
>>"soul" rather than the prissy euphemism "mind".
>>>>To me the words mind and soul have substantially different meanings. The
>mind is the information processor. Intelect and emotion are parts of the
"Mind" came to be used in the early nineteenth century as a euphemism for
soul. The intent was to indicate that the writer was a freethinker. I think
we are past that.
>The soul, to me, is another word for consciousness. The mind is
>something we're conscious of.
It should be better if we could drop this talk of soul. The thread is
"Machine Brains"
I will read you paper.
Those interested in how the brain works might look at