Norway's blubber mountain

Emmanuel Forichon emmanuel.forichon at wanadoo.fr
Wed Jan 13 15:18:14 EST 1999

I find all this debate is worth a kid talking ! Why are you all argueing
wether whales are intelligent or not , and if the size of their brain is
responsible or not of any smartness !!?! Let us be simple! Why should the
human spend as much energy in hunting these large and pacific animals while
there so much to do in developping green agriculure, aquaculture, energy
production ... ? Shall  i recall that hunting is a prehistoric way to get
food ! We can do much better, can't we ?
To the Norvegian guys who think whales is good to eat, i would like to say :
If you had nothing but whales to eat, i would find it normal, but i think
that it is not the case : you have renewable sources of meat, like cows,
pigs, i don't know ? why do you want to eat whales ?

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