Ok, You'll have to excuse me cause I know near nothing about neurology
except for a little Neural Networking, however, I know a great deal about
electronics. I was thinking one day after watching some wierd stuff on
auras and all that and I thought something. In anything with an electrical
current, a magnetic field is induced. If the frequency is high enough,
differnet parts of the spectrum are radiated. If it was possible, the
frequency of an AC waveform could become great enough to generate light, but
as of now, no induced electrical current has a short enough wavelegnth for
this to occur. I was wondering if in chemical reactions, this sort of
induction occurs. I am wondering because if it is so, and any sort of
'transmission' from these reactions could possibly be what is supposedly
seen as 'auras'.
In radio, when a signal is transmitted, it is modulated with a carrier wave
so that it is distinguisable from other stations. When it is recieved, the
carrier wave is filtered out and the sound is played. Perhaps these people
who supposedly see 'auras' can see them because of some oddity of such in
which the 'filter for transmissions of chemical reactions' is absent, in
which case the person can see these chemical 'transmissions'
Now if this is totally stupid, I should leave this group, general flames,
etc. should be sent right on down to drmol at hotmail.com
Actually you can just hit the reply to sender button.
What I really wish to know is if any sort of waveform is induced in the
chemical reactions wich stimulate hormones, emotions, etc.