On 20 Jan 1999, Walter Eric Johnson wrote:
> The LD50 for water is something like 650 g/kg bodyweight.
Hi! I didn't mean to imply that water or other generally safe substances
can't kill a person if enough of it is pumped down a person's throat. But
the analogy is poor because water is known to be safe at relatively high
doses, while formaldehyde is known to be toxic at extremely small doses.
I prefer to stick with the substance at hand, but if we are going to use
an analogy, I prefer to use something like organic or elemental mercury.
> Instead, I'd really like to see a detailed study
> of those people and whether the reaction is real. If the reaction
> is real, is the reaction to aspartame or something else?
Well, there have been independent double-blind studies showing that
aspartame can cause adverse effects. Please see:
but some things like tobacco, aspartame, mercury poisoning are not as
easily-testable with double-blind experiments because the more serious
reported side effects often take much longer than is practical with a
double-blind study.
Best Wishes,
- Mark
mgold at holisticmed.com
Aspartame Toxicity Information Center