Dental injection & facial nerves? (Was: Re: Facial Nerve Damage)

Brian Sandle bsandle at southern.co.nz
Wed Jan 20 08:36:33 EST 1999

In sci.med.dentistry Brian Sandle <bsandle at southern.co.nz> wrote:
: In sci.med.dentistry RAS <raspinel at iupui.edu> wrote:

: : However, lidocaine has no known side effects (other than if someone is
: : allergic to all amide-type anesthetics).
It is a seizure promoter in some conditions. Care should be taken with 
young, old and pregnant.

: Amide type are they?

: I keep a fair level of niacinamide in my diet, 200 or 300 mg per day. It
:                              ^^^^^
: is not time release, I read that that can be liver toxic. Would there be
: overlap into the body's metabolizing forces by amide anesthetics?

Anyone else looking into that?

The effects of lidocaine have something to do with GABA and the GABA 
receptors can accept niacinamide.

Brian Sandle

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