Eric Blanc wrote in message <36A589D2.167E at>...
>Another thing...
>>C. elegans...
>>302 neurons.
>More than 80 Potassium channels,
>No Sodium channels.
>What about AP in such organisms...
This question is discussed by Cornelia Bargmann, "Neurobiology
of the Caenorhabditis elegans genome", Science 282:2028-2033
"Caenorhabditis elegans neurons are small and have high
membrane resistance, and they are able to propagate signals
efficiently without the large-scale amplification provided by
the sodium channel. On the other hand, voltage-activated
calcium channels ... have been observed in recordings..."
Of course this is a secondary source. Bargmann cites Davis &
Stretton, J Neurosci 9:403(1989), Gooodman et al, Neuron
20:763(1998), and Lee et al, EMBO J 16:6066(1997)