Cannabis and Schizophrenia (Was: Economic Benefits of Prohibit (Was: Cannabi

Bigfoot bigfoot at ptialaska.net
Tue Jan 19 23:00:03 EST 1999

tarla at xtra.co.nz wrote:

> After reading him for months now, I'm coming to the conclusion that he
> is actually PRO legalization, simply because no one could be that
> willfully ignorant and pointless. 

Then again, there's Soulsby :)



Of all serious crimes under the law, smuggling...
least violates the consciences of men. It is a crime
against law and against government, but not against
morality. The smuggler robs no man. He buys goods
honestly in one market and sells them honestly in
another. His offense is against an arbitrary regulation
of government.... he simply fails to pay its demands.
Many men otherwise honest are unable to see any moral
turpitude in smuggling. ...government, in exacting toll,
plays the part of the highwayman.

                      --  The Oregonian, Jan. 21, 1886

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