verbal vs. non-verbal memory

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Mon Jan 18 21:48:16 EST 1999

In <36a13806.27801057 at news.zedat.fu-berlin.de>
cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de (Cijadrachon) writes: 
>kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:
>>There's no Physical distinction between "the two"... the "two's" only
>>the one thing.
>No, more sectors and not just two.
>And how much verbal stuff they can (not) understand is different.

I'm not sure, but THINK I understand what Cijadrachon is saying, and
would agree.  Certainly, all the evidence is against a "unitary"
memory.  Moreover, both in my clinical work and in my research I have
found it usefuly to subdivide "non-verbal" memory as well.  n.b.: most
people mean "visual" when they say "non-verbal", but of course we can
think of some kinds of non-visual non-verbal memory.  Within VISUAL
non-verbal memory, the most obvious (and so far best studied)
disstinction is between "what" and "where" perceptual and memory

F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group

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