tarla at xtra.co.nz wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 13:46:23 GMT, Brian Sandle
> <bsandle at southern.co.nz> wrote:
> <snip irrelevant bullshit>
> >This is a schizophrenia thread.
>> No, this is a schizophrenic thread.
>> <snip MORE speculation without substance>
>> >Maori evolved for many years in New Zealand where there was no cannabis.
>> Evolved? How so? Are they still H.Sapiens sapiens or not? Can they
> still interbreed with other humans or not? Evolution among humans
> doesn't take place in a thousand years, Mr. Sandle. Try a hundred
> thousand and you might be getting close.
I don't know about that...recent reports tend to show that evolution tends to
happen in sudden leeps and not slow change.....
>> >There was no alcohol either.
>> How do you know this?
>> >They were able to hold out against the
> >British conquering forces.
>> I beg to differ. We are governed by a British style Parliment and owe
> alligiance to the Queen. Who held out?
>> > So were the southern Chilenas. I would like to
> >know the drug usage of the southern Chileans compared to the ones who
> >were conquered. To suddenly introduce a drug under the biochemsitry of
> >which a culture has not grown, seems to be like putting sea water
> >dolphins into fresh water and saying that it is an evolutionary test.
> >Well what happens to human skin when it is in the fresh water bath for
> >even an hour?
>> An hour isn't a test. And a few hundred years of isolation does not a
> separate species make.