Cannabis and Schizophrenia (Was: Economic Benefits of Prohibit (Was: Cannabi

tarla at xtra.co.nz tarla at xtra.co.nz
Tue Jan 19 13:42:15 EST 1999

On Tue, 19 Jan 1999 09:01:08 -0600, Hackman <hacker at nospam.jump.net>

>tarla at xtra.co.nz wrote:
>> On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 13:46:23 GMT, Brian Sandle
>> <bsandle at southern.co.nz> wrote:
>> <snip irrelevant bullshit>
>> >This is a schizophrenia thread.
>> No, this is a schizophrenic thread.
>> <snip MORE speculation without substance>
>> >Maori evolved for many years in New Zealand where there was no cannabis.
>> Evolved? How so? Are they still H.Sapiens sapiens or not? Can they
>> still interbreed with other humans or not? Evolution among humans
>> doesn't take place in a thousand years, Mr. Sandle. Try a hundred
>> thousand and you might be getting close.
>I don't know about that...recent reports tend to show that evolution tends to
>happen in sudden leeps and not slow change.....

We can debate punctuated equlibrium another time. The questions remain
the same. Are they still H.Sapiens sapiens? The answer: Yes. Can they
still interbred (viably) with other humans? Yes. He cannot show any
"evolution" of the Maori that makes them differ in any significant
fashion from the remainder of H. Sapiens sapiens and he knows it. 

After reading him for months now, I'm coming to the conclusion that he
is actually PRO legalization, simply because no one could be that
willfully ignorant and pointless. He's the Devil's Advocate, albeit
not a very good one.

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