Richard Hall rhall at uvi.edu
Tue Jan 19 15:56:19 EST 1999

At 6:47 PM +0000 1/19/99, Matt Jones wrote:
> Also, 4-AP can increase spike amplitude and duration in
>myelinated axons, suggesting that there _are_ K+ channels in or near the
>nodes, and there is immunohistological evidence of this also, at least
>under some conditions.

What is the relevance of 4-AP (4-aminopyridine) to the presence or absence
of K channels?  It of course opens this string to a delightful discussion
of potassium channel diversity, which is becoming more relevant to this
discussion by the millisecond.  ;-)

>In intact central neuronal circuits, by the way, there an awful lot of
>things that generate afterhyperpolarizations, including recurrent
>inhibitory synaptic feedback. I believe that part of the "reason" for
>this is to more effectively remove inactivation of Na+ and Ca++ channels,
>so as to allow more rapid or more complex spike firing. A great example
>of this is in thalamic oscillations, in which GABA-mediated IPSPs
>_promote_ "rebound" spike firing by repriming T-type Ca++ channels.

And also rebound hyperpolarizations (back to potassium channels again.)
Richard Hall
Comparative Animal Physiologist
Division of Sciences and Mathematics
University of the Virgin Islands
St. Thomas, USVI  00802

rhall at uvi.edu

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