Cannabis and Schizophrenia (Was: Economic Benefits of Prohibit (Was: Cannabi

Joanne jolab at btinternet.com
Tue Jan 19 16:04:56 EST 1999

Brian Sandle wrote in message <916667182.694010 at mnementh.southern.co.nz>...
>In talk.politics.drugs tarla at xtra.co.nz wrote:
>: On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 06:17:59 GMT, Brian Sandle
>: <bsandle at southern.co.nz> wrote:

>This is a schizophrenia thread.
>There is some evidence that in schizophrenia the saccades - the catch up
>jumps of the eyes following a moving object - are too common at certain
>rates of movement of the object being followed.  Damage to frontal brain
>mechanism is indicated, it was said.
>So it would be interesting to do the saccades experiment on cannabis
>smokers. Is cannabis helping evolution or just eliminating types who
>already have some sensitively ordered frontal brain mechansim and feel
>life is no longer worth living once that is put out of order?
>Dodo Dolphin

There are untold theories as to the cause and biochemistry of
schizophrenia.........none of which have proved conclusive. You site one of
the lesser known ones above, probably lesser known due to its failure to
enjoy credibility with the psychiatric profession at large.
As far as the affects of cannabis on the human psyche and its relevance to
the truly debilitating condition known as schizophrenia..........there is
Cannabis in my experience in this field has NEVER been known to cause
schizophrenia, nor does the effects of cannabis relate in any way to the
symptomology of schizophrenia. It has in a minority of cases exasarbated
symptoms and to my knowledge also alleviated them, in some cases more
successfully than neouroleptics. The "culture" of psychiatry, veiw drugs per
se, as bad for peoples mental health probably because of the adverse and
ignorant attitude that most "lay people " hold. YOU are no exception to
this, and indeed are just a small (thankfully) representation of the
obstacle that people with mental health problems face, who choose to use
illicit drugs in an attempt to self medicate.
Your arguments are flimsey and inadequate, and at times rely on the use of
analogy that can only suceed in confusing the issues.
It would be funny if it were not truly frustrating to those of us who are
attempting to seek a truth as regards to the issues. You, sir, are doing
nothing to enlighten anyone, least of all yourself

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