Cannabis and Schizophrenia (Was: Economic Benefits of Prohibit (Was: Cannabi

Brian Sandle bsandle at southern.co.nz
Mon Jan 18 08:46:23 EST 1999

In talk.politics.drugs tarla at xtra.co.nz wrote:
: On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 06:17:59 GMT, Brian Sandle
: <bsandle at southern.co.nz> wrote:

:>In talk.politics.drugs szasz at my-dejanews.com wrote:
:>: In article <916454774.7767 at mnementh.southern.co.nz>,
:>:   Brian Sandle <bsandle at southern.co.nz> wrote:
:>:> It is said that cannabis has casued a lot of problems among the
:>:> Maori population.
:>:   It is said that there are angels with wings.....
:>:> It is said to be linked to high suicide rate of Maori
:>:> youth.
:>:   Must be their genetic inferiority, hmmm?
:>I am hoping that when one drug does not have to be dealt with then the 
:>human organism can further evolve. If that drug is then offered there may 
:>be a lot of the development lost.

: And then again, what if the development is enhanced? What if...smoking
: dope is the single thing that moves people from being plain ole H.
: Sapiens sapiens to H. Sapiens exaulta? Ever consider that?  What if it
: was GOOD for you? 

So what is known about that?

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