Is this true or some myth?

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Jan 17 04:53:34 EST 1999

I think you might be overdoing it a little with the unsuspecting
Had the stuff in some yoghurt in the USA and could not finish it
because poison warnings were too high.

Recall I said to someone that I do not exclude that it was a cancer

If people do not listen to their taste buds and what their systems
tell them that is their fault.

Some make their taste more desensitive with coffee and other drugs and
do not listen to what their systems tell them.

If someone really has messed up taste sysems so that he does not get
proper warnings, he could ask some children or others who seem rather
sensitive about new susbtances and if they are registered O.K. with
them or not. 

If I were to blame all for all poisons that I might consume I'd not
know if I should start with the people making my trips and mixing bad
stuff onto them or suing for the tap water coming out of the lead
pipes here or for what is in some of the apple or other fruit peels
and on some of the salads, sue the cigarette companies and alcohol
makers and cannabis growers and tea growers, some o.j. tasting like
they press in half of the peel and people putting other stuff into
dinks that is not exactly healthy, and also try to get back people for
sending their Rambo and handy chattings through my subatomic (then no
longe well) balances, artificial ranges here being so bad that I had
even some guests complain and my neighbour die around the age of
thirty with cancer, ...
and probably I should straight start suing some people for having to
breathe what is in the air here in Berlin; and there are places far

Maybe one can also overdo it.

Lucifer is the symbol for a being of light and energy creating without
heeding if what he created was in harmony with the rest, and this is
sort of high age of that symbol.

If you have ever let a car engine run in a garage where you were in
for a while, too, you might have noticed that a lot is unhealthy,
and also a lot where it is not the own idiocy of not asking the own
taste buds if that is O.K. or relying on those of someone who seems
O.K. for such,
but unhealthy stuff directly produced by the own person for others.

I get cancer alerts from this monitor, too.

If I'd heed all warnings I'd get I'd probably have to move to some
remote valley inTibet or something like that, and there I might get
intellectual political system warnings.

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