(To others: Near-endless trip babbling; SKIP, unless you are out for
religious stuff, as someone e-mailed me about such, and I guess I
should officially define my religious position, then do definitely NOT
SKIP and maybe ponder it a little.)
(Sorry for slagging you off here, too; can't resist. ;-)
(And possibly loads of errors ahead including entire words wrong if
the langauge structurer on LSD is messing it up, as I am too lazy to
check what I write, as ever since what I read here about that
Alzheimer stuff I am not bothering that much with levels anymore...
{Alzheimer without discussing the I areas,
Man ej, da hatt ich schon intelligenterer Diskussionen mit anderen
Hirnsurfern, das is so viel Jahre her, das muss about noch gut vor der
Gerhirnerschuetterung gewesen sein, und da war'wa bereits
Ich-sub-Sektor Datenabgleichen.
Ohmannohmann,Steinzeit; man sollte ja mal denken dass vielleicht
wenigstens bei Alzheimer man mal so zugibt, wo man da in den anderen
Verwandten der anderen Saeugetierrassen so begeistert herumschnipselt,
aber lieber weiterschnipplen duerfen, als zugeben was die Autisten und
Behinderten schon seit Jahren sagen, dass da ich-Zentren im
cholinergen limischen System sind,
dat haelt man doch mal lieber raus und schnippelt in den anderen
weiter, gelle?
Und wenn nem anderen seine Mutter an Alzmeimer stirbt, und der fragt
in einem anderen Internetraum im anderen Worten:
Wieviel ist noch da von meiner Mutter?
Wieviel wird von der Huelle, die ich pflege noch verstanden,
da kann man nicht mal sagen, pass uff, so parkste da drueben magisch
in die Systeme und ick tune parallel durch, det is mir zu riskant,
nee, dann labert man mit Energiemessungen rum mit Geraeten.
Und nicht etwas subatomar von aussen, ne, rin ins Getriebe...
Kann ja sein, dass jemand noch'n paar Elektrodaten zur subatomaren
Satellitenberrschung der eigenen Systeme fehlen, dem muss doch
abgeholfen werden.
>> > i.e., that the world we live in is a perception created by the mind
>>the world is the world.
>Or in other words I can call a pebble a gummi bear, but it is still a
>rock, and if you bite into it you might find out the hard way.
>>(2 + 2 = 4 and not 5.)
>>The human mind resembles a computer as it receives, changes, stores, retrieves, and uses
Would you mind referring to the sectors of it, that is easier for me
that vague-minding.
Though if you define physically which are mind areas for you, like I
once here did for someone a bitsy, that would be O.K., too, then I
might also be able to geet internal reference.
There are differences to a computer.
But some areas are very much like a computer for me.
The front for me is straight the front computer in my naming.
The sequencer is also very computer like.
>> Brains are very very different in sector use, magic colour transition,
>> magic ranges and abilities, sector segregation capacities, parallel
>> processing capacities and in a lot of other areas.
>>It is striking the importance that magic has according to Mr. Cijadrachon, a misperception due
>to too many mind-altering* drugs, as his many cited experiences bear witness (IMO).
People have just been killed here for over 500 years and it is not
taught in schools now and the children here are sense censored.
Minor little details, while the Vatican makes taxes via the government
of Germany and it is not understood that even as an MBD autist you
have a good chance to do some of the stuff Jesus did and with
cybermagic abilities to subatomically get at systems that are scary to
contemplate for me old brain vampire.
Ever thought about that maybe I do not joke and that on Old Dragons I
DID use other peoples occipital banks along because they were better
than mine so that I could continue my research work within Grey Magic
using parts of an alien brain?
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe nearly none of what I say here
is a joke?
I used other brains, I am a brain vampire.
Just that I have a little MBD is not going to stop me out of Grey
Magic researching magic itself.
The same way as some wonder why autists have I you difficulty I do not
wonder that much about it.
I am my cholinergic systems, the other is his and some that are taboo,
occipital is shareware.
Cingulate is going in front of the other door and saying:"HI"
And the headblinds distrusting you then panick, because they know that
I see them themselves and can system access and alter there, too, a
bit, and those who do like me do not mind if I am with them in their
head and they can be in mine.
There are few I let into my own systemss, but with the other systems I
do not mind much to borrow them to other brains, as I like to borrow
into theirs, too.
It is fantastic how many parallel processing capacities some of the
non handicapped brains can give me.
I admit openly that I envy them for having such capacities.
People like Frankie manage to frustrate me with "imagine a row of
housies" ...
as I know that some of the capacities of other brains I vampired into
are awesome.
Maybe you never understood the Students and Yourney(wo)man into the
Temple of the Mind series in here.
If you ever want to, you must first do the non magical part for all I
And when you found yourself in your brain and know how to get at other
systems, if you then get a brain like mine to take over your occipital
banks and boost it up to own research levels, maybe you will see the
word different.
As long as you are still on your Christ trip and that stuff you
e-mailed me about, this is not the time, but if you are ever out for
serious Jesus data, I can give that to your brain on stuff like these
Old Dragons.
They need to be three years old and in a certain way, and then I can
take over your occipital banks and nail in Jesus data for hours in a
row no joke.
I cannot get the golden ranges, but I know where they "are" and my
brain settings have data over them and as soon as you can steer my
brain enough I could make that you could get at them.
I know how to link our occipital banks and how shift to some older
energy functions and see that the transit is O.K.
Just my brain is damaged and MBD and yours has to generate the tuning
ranges and multi tracks.
...I am just making fun of you, because what for you is your Christian
bla is for me "shit, that takes a multiple processing brain!" magic
Sorry, I am seriously tripping here on LSD and just find it fun to
make fun of you.
Anyone in this room who is gettin on my nerves too much is running
into danger that I shortly bother to find out what it is that he is
busy with, and wether it is your Bible stuff of some area in the
brain, as lon as it is the head, I tend to have a neat sight at time;
of to put it the other way around,
I leearned a bit about neurology when someone had pissed me off that I
did not know their names for the areas and had named them myself, and
then just went ixtlwrx of the cholinergic limbic system, aah, myself,
what a name.
Guess "I" would have been to simple
Given the name they gave another cell bunch who's a who and they do
not know, their namings till this day throw me into laughter fits if I
compare their names to those of other brain surfers that they taught
me how they call them.
Know something: you with your machine stuff about the brain that you
e-mailed me about: I find it interesting and see the fascination, but
I like to synch on drugs like these directly into the other I.
I can see the other I where he is.
All but the Alzheimer and MS and tumour or other brains that scare me
to tune woth, and all nice brains, I can see the other if I teach his
brain far enough, and when I teach it I alter the other brain forever,
and then the other brain forever reacts to me.
And that is also why in magic that is normally not done so much,
though it is known, and not disucssed that much, though it is the most
powerful access methods.
Maybe you do not understand that if I use your occiptal banks and you
mine, then that they learn to react to commands of the other brain,
and that that is why many of the autists have a I-you difficulty, as
already in the own brain there is another I but in the other brain
areas that react to the own commands, so how is one to know the
differences once segregated enough inside?