Postdoctoral Fellow, Cognitive Neuroscience
Department of Psychology, University of Auckland
A postdoctoral fellowship is available in the Department of Psychology
The University of Auckland. The successful candidate will work on a
research project on the brain mechanisms underlying cognitive
tasks, with a special focus on mental rotation, and will be expected
to play an active role in the development, execution, and
publication of the research. The salary is NZ$44,000
per annum for up to three years.
This fellowship is funded as part of a Royal Society of New Zealand
Marsden Fund research grant to Dr. Blake Johnson and Prof. Michael
Corballis. The project will examine 128-channel event-related
potentials while subjects perform tasks involving mental rotation,
and we plan to use magnetic resonance images to locate the
sources of ERP activation.
This is an interdisciplinary project and may appeal to candidates from a
variety of backgrounds, including psychology, neuroscience, biomedical
engineering, and computing science.
We are particularly interested in candidates with some background and
experience in one or more of the following areas:
biomedical imaging ; digital image processing; biophysical aspects of
electroencephalography and electrophysiological techniques; cognitive
psychology; experimental design; and computer programming.
Candidates need not have all of these skills, but should be interested
acquiring them as the project progresses.
We encourage applications from overseas applicants and funds are
for return air travel.
The fellowship is available beginning March 1, 1999.
The University of Auckland is located in Auckland, New Zealand.
Auckland is a cosmopolitan city, with an equable climate, and
ready access to a multitude of outdoors activities.
Enquiries and applications should be made to:
Dr. Blake Johnson
Professor Michael Corballis
Department of Psychology
Private Bag 92019
University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
Telephone: (6 49) 373-7599 ext. 5989 or ext. 8561
Fax: (6 49) 373-7450
Email: b.johnson at at
Blake W. Johnson, Ph.D.
Lecturer, Behavioural Neuroscience
Department of Psychology
Private Bag 92019
University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
Tel: (649) 373-7599 ext. 5989 (lab) or ext. 8552 (office)
Fax: (649) 373-7450
email: b.johnson at