Cannabis and Schizophrenia (Was: Economic Benefits of Prohibit (Was: Cannabi

tarla at xtra.co.nz tarla at xtra.co.nz
Mon Jan 18 15:13:17 EST 1999

On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 13:46:23 GMT, Brian Sandle
<bsandle at southern.co.nz> wrote:
<snip irrelevant bullshit>
>This is a schizophrenia thread.

No, this is a schizophrenic thread.

<snip MORE speculation without substance>

>Maori evolved for many years in New Zealand where there was no cannabis. 

Evolved? How so? Are they still H.Sapiens sapiens or not? Can they
still interbreed with other humans or not? Evolution among humans
doesn't take place in a thousand years, Mr. Sandle. Try a hundred
thousand and you might be getting close.

>There was no alcohol either.

How do you know this?

>They were able to hold out against the 
>British conquering forces.

I beg to differ. We are governed by a British style Parliment and owe
alligiance to the Queen. Who held out? 

> So were the southern Chilenas. I would like to 
>know the drug usage of the southern Chileans compared to the ones who 
>were conquered. To suddenly introduce a drug under the biochemsitry of 
>which a culture has not grown, seems to be like putting sea water 
>dolphins into fresh water and saying that it is an evolutionary test. 
>Well what happens to human skin when it is in the fresh water bath for 
>even an hour?

An hour isn't a test. And a few hundred years of isolation does not a
separate species make. 

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